
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Daddy Day Care

Thursday Prom is leaving for the XD and I am going to be home with the 3 kids for the next 4 weeks. I know that this is going to be a super great experience for her to learn and grow as a shepherd and I am super happy she will be going but at the same time I can't help feeling a little apprehensive. Taking care of a 3 month old certainly isn't my specialty but hey if our parents could do it why can't we. My mom had to leave Terri for a month to go to meetings when she was about the same age so I figure why not try to best her time!

Besides if 3 of us can take care of 7 kids under the age of 8 without a house to live in for 3 weeks (that was the Wordstock before last) this ought to be a walk in the park. Just don't remind me I said this a week from now when I can't wake up for devotions.

Anyhow here is a great pic of Prom and Eryn.

Ryan is getting pretty good at wiffle ball, if you see in the back of this pic Ryan knocked me in from 3rd.Eryn got a little lost

I got stuck with all the stragglers

Monday, August 13, 2007

Dear Cousins...

Dear Jordan and Brandon,
It was so much fun to see you again. Thank you for all the fun times we had together during your visit. Thank you for helping us ride our bikes, play baseball with us, building a cool fort by the creek, barbecues, birthday parties, water fun, and all the fun things you did with us. We will really miss you when you go back home and hope that you can visit us again with Shawn. You guys are the best! We love you!
Love, Ryan and Bradyn

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I don't even have a cool story or any anecdotes to add to this picture. I just found it on the computer when I was trying to find a new background for my computer and loved it. There is nothing like having two rambunctious, foolish, crazy, wild, funny, and totally wonderful boys.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

BBall, Jersey City Style

Down in the City doing fundraising right now and one of the best things about it is being able to play ball down here. Up at the house the nearest bball court is about 4 miles away and is broken so everytime we go we have to bring a piece of copper piping, a tape measure, and a hacksaw to fix it. Of course we could just save the piece of pipe that we cut the last time but it is too much work to do after playing ball and we are hoping the little bastards that keep messing up our brilliant fixit job will knock it off, or at the least save our piece of pipe for us.

Anyhow so when we are down here there is this lovely little court we can play ball at, of course the rims are about 3 inchs short, the court is covered in sand and broken glass, and no one bothers to keep any sort of rules but it is all good in the hood.

With a little help from JD I have even started to learn the local language. I still cant understand most of what they say but I know they have dubbed me Dirk (these guys arent the most imaginative, I guess they see a tall white guy with long hair and figure he is white like Dirk so he must play like Dirk), JD is Sprite (no idea where they got that from), and Mark is either Steve Nash or White Cracker depending on the day.

I have learned the two worst things to do are to fall over when defending someone, and to jump on a pump fake. Either way you will be ridiculed mercilessly, I have done both of those and everyone there still recounts it whenever I show up. Of course I am also one of the only ones who bothers defending anyone (JD is the other, he is quite good too). Another thing is that you have to taunt, if not you wont get anywhere. Yesterday I stuffed a guy with both hands and since i said nothing no else said anything, then I slip on a crossover and the whole neighbourhood sounded off on it.

Yup becoming one can be hard on your pride sometimes but I am learning, pretty soon Ill be ready to dunk, and yell, and swear, and taunt, and dribble for half an hour before I try shooting. What, thats not the vision, drat. Well i guess I will stick to enjoying ball and not worry about whether the neighborhood thinks I am whiter Tom Green.