
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Style of the month

Prom and I finally did some Christmas shopping yesterday. The problem for us is that we can never get something right for the other person. Promise is a needs person, as in she only wants people to get her something that she needs. Now those things that she needs are usually socks or hair bobbles, or scissors or something. Things that you could get every day. Whereas I am more of a wants person, I want presents that I want , not that I need. So when I buy her something I want to get her something that she wants, preferably not something from a Dollar Store. Whereas Prom wants to get me something that I need but don't really want. So all that to say we were in Walmart and she says "here let me show you the thing that I want to get you and you can pick something out". So she shows me all the hair buzzers they have there. Now my initial thought is "what, why would I want a hair buzzer, my hair is like two feet long", but Prom persisted "but you always need to buzz the boys' hair and besides you won't always have long hair(hint, hint, wink, wink), besides if you are going to get a buzzer you should have a really good one that you can keep for years and years and won't break down." So finally I agreed and we got a nice buzzer that I promised to keep a secret till Christmas. Unfortunately, when we got Home I had to open it up and once I saw it, I fell in love. It is so cool. So of course I had to try it out on someone. So I sat the boys down and the thing works soooo good! I mean I always had problems with cutting the boys hair but this time it went so fast cause it is the best buzzer in the world. Anyhow here is the boys new hairstyle for this month. Because I want to use my new toy as much as possible I am going to buzz them every month and try a new style each month. I am trying to get Prom to agree to cutting their names in their hair next month!

New Addition

Here is the newest addition to our Home, Sandy (for now). We just got her today, a seven month old husky\lab mix with NO obedience training whatsoever, and from what we can tell so far no brain either. The minute we got her back Home she goes running right into the middle of the road, then because she is still alittle afraid of us she doesn't want to comeback either. It took about half an hour to get her corraled and put in the barn for now. Then I find out that the missing beams in the barn door are big enough for her to get out of. Guess that job I was planning on doing sometime got pushed to being a priority. She is a fast learner though. Shouldn't be more then a few days before we can take her off the leash again. The manger in the picture is something Joan and JD collaborated on. Turned out pretty nice, we just need to get some kind of light in their and you will be able to see it from the road.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Child Brainiac's

I know I may be a little biased in saying this but my kids are so darn smart. I mean all the kids in our Home and in the Family are smart but what I see in these boys is just so incredible. Ryan can quote just about anything he sees or hears. I was singing the Bob the builder tune during parent time (drat those wretched producers who come up with such catchy children's songs) and kept stopping me and telling me the proper way to sing it. "No it isn't Pilchard the cat, it is Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud, working together like good friends should". Then I am reading the Feed my Lambs verses with Bradyn, it is his favorite book, and ryan just starts quoting the whole verse and gives the reference too! I don't even remember most of the key promises I learn and this kid already knows references, damn! The times I am on watching the little guys, which isn't all that often, it is such a blast seeing how their little minds work. Ryan and Shawn (joan and tracy's 3 year old) are such a funny pair together, Shawn will do anything, he is absolutely fearless and agile as a monkey, whereas Ryan is afraid of just about everything yet smart as can be. So together they get into all kinds of trouble. Whenever you see Shawny getting in trouble you have to see where Ryan is cause he probably got Shawn into it. Then Bradyn is like their little follower, only he is about the size of a spider monkey. I mean seriously that guy is so small, and clumsy to boot. He is always trying to do the things the older boys do but just can't and his head is already full of lumps from banging into everything around. Anyhow I have to give the little guy credit, he so tough, even though he can just about fit in my pocket he will try almost anything and give it all he's got. That is why I have named this post Child Braniacs, cause their little brains are just running full speed 24\7. You think you have an idea of where they are at and what they are thinking and then they just say or do something totally shatters your image of where you thought they were at and you are left thinking "when did he grow up so fast?". Well that is about it. Just thought you might be interested in that.

P.S. Just when I am puffing up my pride in my kids, ryan rolls over in his bed and bangs his head on the post of the bunkbed, doh.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Alive still

Just out of curiosity I think I will make one more attempt at keeping this blog alive. Despite my persistent nagging I can't get Prom to post here anymore and true to my Gemini nature I am unable to stay interested in this blog, or anything, for an extended period of time.

Well let's see what has happened recently. We've a had a few people coming through to fundraise, don't really see them much cause they stay down in the City and we are far away from that slime pit of Satan. JayDee and Heather have arrived and it is nice having some new faces in the Home. JayDee is a great guy to have around, always finds something to do, very happy, kind of blends in nicely with our sarcastic humor.

We finally got some snow the last couple of daysand it is freezing cold. Prom and I moved rooms and the new room we are in is so warm that now whenever I go to another room I feel cold, it is terrible.

I finally got around to making the boys their bunkbed. I was hoping to give it to them for Christmas but Ryan saw me bringing the wood in from the car and when I told him it was for the bunkbed he got all excited and now whenever he see's me around he asks me, "did you make my bunk bed yet?". So I have to answer him, "No Ryan, I didn't get time to make it yet, I will work on it tomorrow or the next day". And then he gets all upset and says "why you can't make a bunkbed Daddy?" So then I get all offended that my own son doesn't think I can accomplish anything and storm off to throw a fit.
The lesson as always isn't that we should not act like a child with our children (in fact I have found it works wonders in showing them how stupid they look), but the lesson is that if for some reason you are stupid enough to promise your kids something, don't be even more stupid and show them that you have all the stuff to make it.
Cause kids aren't stupid, even if they are only 3, and they can put 2 and 2 together. "Daddy said he was going to make something+daddy has stuff the stuff to make it+Daddy hasn't made it yet=Daddy is too dumb to make it" and just like that you have a dissapointed child.

Well that is all I can think of for now, if I don't post again for another month.......just wait longer!
And lastly here is something to remember warmer days