
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dumb Blogger

Well I had a really long blog about something pointless but I left my computer for a bit and someone turned it off so forget it, I am not trying to write it up again. Anyhow here are a few pics from Family Day.

Friday, October 13, 2006


I was putting("putting, puting, how does the word go, it sounds like you are playing golf, never mind") the boys to bed tonight when I asked Ryan to go close the door. He was busy reciting an entire episode of Cherub Wings or something and didn't really want to do it. So when I gave the dreaded "do it or else" he sort of huffed off to the door, stomping his feet and giving every indication that he hated doing it. When he came back to bed it kind of dawned on me, "My God, that is exactly how I react to things I don't want to do". Then I started thinking, how much of his reactions and bad habits has he copyed from me, and when you really think about it that is a terrible responsibility. To know that YOU have a direct effect on them and how their lives unfold. Now it's true that he is our first and therefore we have made the most mistakes with him, and Ryan is also born on the same day as me so he does pick up ALOT of the same traits as me. It is still no excuse to pass it off or excuse it. Probably the hardest part of being a parent is knowing that you have ultimate responsibility for how your child turns out. So needless to say I am definitely watching myself around him in the future. On a lighter note we got our first frost of the year (stop your sniggering Phil!), yesterday we raked up a big pile of leaves for all the little guys and they had a blast running in it, diving in it, and most of all burying me in it every chance they could. Didn't get any pics of it but here are a few of the boys anyhow.

Monday, October 02, 2006

SGA Seminar

Well, we are back now and miss our time there terribly. The Seminar was something awesome, inspiring, uplifting, fulfilling, igniting, shaking, stretching, and all around amazing. Met alot of people I knew before, some I knew from waay back when (sorry I didn't get around to talking to you Angel, you are pretty intimidating though), met alot of new people, and some that I only knew from pics, hearsay, blogs or people Prom knew. The classes were really great. The people who are leaders or shepherds seem so, I don't know, inviting or down to earth. It is just easy to trust them and feel that they really care about you as an indiviual. The sports were pretty fun, although with the size of the basketball court it was more wrestling than basketball. I can't believe how terrible I was in the one game of volleyball I played. Of course I haven't played for about 3 years but still I was about as clumsy as shaq in high heels. The fellowship was good but really not my cup of tea. Unlike everyone else in our family I am a terrible people person. I don't know, I think I got all the height and Tracy got all the wit, charm, and humor. Kind of sucks sometimes but hey, that is the way the Lord made us and the Lord also made vodka which helps you get out of yourself. So if I didn't talk to people till after midnight, you will know why. I would put some pics up but I am in an area of our house that the wireless doesn't work too well and I am too lazy to move somewhere so I won't, might add some tonight though.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Trip to Baja, California.

We had an early wakeup at 3:00am for our 6:00 o' clock flight to San Diego. Kind of stumbled around half awake and by a miracle, made it into the car with our luggage, tickets, passports, and as far as I can tell nothing important missing. For all the talk about airport security it really was a breeze. Phil, Tracy, and I even had time to make some very hushed jokes about the "no joking about bombs" sign. Got into San Diego and true to form Tim was not there to meet us. Turns out he thought we were arriving on the 29th and he was at a baseball game instead, I swear California gets into peoples minds, I am afraid to ever move there. Well, God bless him, he offered to leave the game right away and get to the airport as fast as he could but we already had a team waiting to take us to Mexico so we said we would catch him next time. The crossing into Mexico was retardedly easy, there isn't even anyone there. Except for the one guy who operates the red light\green light machine. I guess their way of keeping bad things out of Mexico is to randomly point people out and ask them to press a button and if the light shows green then you are free to go, if its red then they have to search your bags. Of course I get "randomly" selected but I luck out and get the green light. I felt like asking him if we could play "duck, duck, goose" or colored eggs instead but decided not to press my luck.