Trip to Baja, California.
We had an early wakeup at 3:00am for our 6:00 o' clock flight to San Diego. Kind of stumbled around half awake and by a miracle, made it into the car with our luggage, tickets, passports, and as far as I can tell nothing important missing. For all the talk about airport security it really was a breeze. Phil, Tracy, and I even had time to make some very hushed jokes about the "no joking about bombs" sign. Got into San Diego and true to form Tim was not there to meet us. Turns out he thought we were arriving on the 29th and he was at a baseball game instead, I swear California gets into peoples minds, I am afraid to ever move there. Well, God bless him, he offered to leave the game right away and get to the airport as fast as he could but we already had a team waiting to take us to Mexico so we said we would catch him next time. The crossing into Mexico was retardedly easy, there isn't even anyone there. Except for the one guy who operates the red light\green light machine. I guess their way of keeping bad things out of Mexico is to randomly point people out and ask them to press a button and if the light shows green then you are free to go, if its red then they have to search your bags. Of course I get "randomly" selected but I luck out and get the green light. I felt like asking him if we could play "duck, duck, goose" or colored eggs instead but decided not to press my luck.
LOL! I loved your post Tosh...seems we have something in common when it comes to "randomly" being selected for airport searches...had a similar experence when traveling to Switzerland from England. Although, I can't say mine was as "fun" as yours, I didn't get the "red light, green light" treatment - ha! take care! Julz
What did you get, Crocodile may we cross the river? I guess that is just what we missionaries have to endure!
nah, it was more like "mother may I?" I had to copy what the lady did and they took these x-ray pics for...still don't quite understand what...oh well, such is life and the joys of traveling :)
Hi Promise! I wanted to get your email address before we left the SGA seminar, but I didn't find you. Write me when you can (please) at
It was really nice getting to know you better! BTW you're gorgeous and I love your smile! xxxooo
Esther (of NTL) (oh, that Esther!)
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