
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Winner's Mentality

Know what you want to accomplish and know how to get there. You have to have that winner's mentality of being the best you can be, doing the best you could possibly do because you have that one goal in mind--to win. What are you most passionate about? Find your key and thrive on it. Make it your biggest motivation and try to overcome that--be it positive or negative. If you put forth the effort, the results will come. Realize that all aspects need improvement--that's the challenge of professional athletes--you can never be perfect and it just makes you work that much harder. What are you afraid of? What holds you back? Overcome it and love the challenge! Put 1oo% of yourself in everything you do and 10% more. What you are up against is not as important as giving everything you got, taking it at the same level, and being proud of the victory won. Love the fight! When there's a challenge, it brings out your best--if you take it.

Are you that Hero?

I am working on this one by making sure that I will raise 3 of those heroes for the purpose that they where put here on this Earth--to save the souls of men.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Birthday Wish for this Year!

I like today......I get a shot at wishing something for the coming year ahead. Of course, whenever I think of what I would like, or pray for, etc. the first thing that comes to my mind are my kids because they are the treasures I've been given and indeed am most richly blessed.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Eclipse of the Moon

Last night (2/20/2008) in the dark winter cold, I stepped outside to search for something. Before quickly running back into our nice, warm house, I stopped for a moment and turned my gaze to the moon and thought "That's kind of odd, but strangely pretty at the same time". Half of it appeared as black as night and the other half as white as snow but seemingly transparent with a bright glow around it at the same time. "Oh, how unusual, " I said as I dashed back in and went on with my business. 2 hours later someone said, "Hey, guess what? There is a lunar eclipse tonight, come outside and see!" So that was what was different about the moon tonight! It now made perfect sense as I remembered how beautifully strange the moon looked earlier that evening. I quickly grabbed my camera and took a shot of it. Here it is: