
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homeschool 2009-2010!

This is the boys last year of homeschool. Yay! It's such a happy and rewarding feeling for students/teacher to have reached the end of a full school year together. You learn from each other, work hard together, enjoy many fun activities and projects, and the list goes on. The boys are so smart in their own ways , and I have to say, they studied hard and put much effort and time in learning and completing their classes, bookwork and assignments early this year. They are finishing early at the end of this month (March) and are looking forward to a LONG fun spring/summer vacation before the start of next year's school. I'm SO proud of them and all that they accomplished in the time I spent teaching them. Ryan(6) completed 2nd grade and Bradyn(5) completed K5. They have so much going for them in every way, I can't wait to continue seeing them progress and learn more as each month/year passes. Bradyn is even determined to become a doctor-ha! Cheers to my sons for a job well done! You guys are just awesome--I couldn't have asked for better! I feel so priviledged and honored being your Mom, teacher and friend. ILY boys!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Exploring our wild backyard jungle!

We had so much fun today! Since Toshi is at work, the Sundays he's not home, we call it "Mom Day" (a freeday with Mom) We packed our day with: 1) A big breakfast that sweet Grandma made-yum! 2) Videos and playtime 3) Bible study outside 4) Got haircuts followed by a fun bubbly bath 5) Computer game time 6) Yummy snack of rasin bread with peanut butter 7) LOTS of exploring while on a hike 8) Movie 9) Filling dinner of hamburgers, fries and salad 10) Sweet sleep!
The exploring adventure we had today was awesome! Our backyard opened a whole new world of forest, prairie (or what's more like a wide clearing) jungle and winding river. We each handpicked our own special sticks to help protect us and clear the way. We looked out for each other as we made our way through the thick shrubs and wild plants and observed cool things (like a deer's nest, fallen tree covered in moss) along the way. The boys and I took some pictures of our journey--here they are.