Daddy Day Care
Prom, Terri, my Mom and Tiffy (the kids teacher) are all the teaching seminar which means JD and I are with the 4 little guys till they get back. The kids are loving it though, yesterday we had a paper airplane war. Basically we had two Duplo tower towns and you had to knock down the other teams town with paper airplanes. The kids played for about 3 hours and would have played longer if it weren't lunchtime.
Today we got our fire wood for the season. In order to cut down on costs we bought a wood furnace to heat our boiler for the baseboard heating. We have been trying to get the wood through picking up trees that had been felled but it just wasn't working. We needed roughly 10 cord of wood and up till now we had maybe 2 cord. So the Lord brought us to a guy that was clearing lumber near the house and he gave us a really good deal on a truck load of wood. By the time it is cut up it should be between 6-8 cord so hopefully we will have enough for the winter.
Of course as soon as he was done unloading the kids spent about 2 hours climbing all over it and Bradyn had to find each and every crevasse that he could fit in. Now all that is left is to cut that pile into 18" pieces and stack it all in the wood shed.