Ever done something really dumb, and then done it again, and again! Well there is this one little copper pipe in the basement that sticks down from the roof and is a drain off from the main water pipe. Well I am always whacking my head on that cursed pipe. I was down in the basement the other day organizing something or other and I whacked my head on it again. After much anger and frustration was taken out on that pipe I turned around to get something, stood up and whacked my head on it again. Now this is a 1\4 inch pipe so it isn't something big that you just kind of bang into, this sucker gives you a nasty little ding. Much cursing and kicking ensued. So I say alright I am not banging into this thing again. So I went upstairs, got my tool bag, went back to the basement, knelt down to check something on the furnace, stood up again and BAM right into the stupid little pipe. This time I hit it so hard it punctured another copper pipe that I had to spend about 2 hours replacing (memo to anyone doing copper welding, don't use h20 tinning flux, that stuff is terrible). I am not sure why I put these rather embarrassing stories up here. It is kind of like, "hey everyone check out how I screwed up this time". But for some reason I just saw that little picture and couldn't help myself from writing that inspiring little testimony.
Ha ha ha ha thats so good
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